URL: http://timvandevall.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Maslows-Hierarchy-of-Needs.jpg
This is a cartoon version of the original 5 section pyramid. It was later depicted having 7 sections. For simplicity, we'll just focus on this one for now. Firstly, we need to eat, sleep, breathe and poop. Ok, simple enough. Ever see a movie where people are tortured by being tied or hung to a wall for days on end? I always wondered if they were able to poop. If they couldn't, they would die of toxicity. Of course, they probably aren't being fed nor are able to sleep, not to mention their arms going numb from loss of blood from being 'up' so long. So I figure they would last about 3 maybe 4 days like that?
Ok second section up on the pyramid. Shelter and security. So a small hut or large mansion, as long as it's not going to be taken away and you're good here.
The third section is love!!! So the Beatles were on the right track, but basically wrong, we need a little more than love. We need to love and be loved. Even if that means having a lot of cats...
Ok, ok, we have spouses, boy friends, girl friends, Moms, Dads, siblings, you gotta have someone-- !!! It's part of the pyramid! If you don't have someone, get a pet.
Esteem.. Ooh, this is a toughie. In my opinion, I think this is where most (depression) people suffer. This is all about finding your place in the world. As maybe a (good) mother or as a (hardworking) employee. If your kids are out robbing liquor stores at age 14 and you are about to get fired from your job, you are a failure. It's about striking a balance here, gotta give a lot to everything. Gotta get your kids to soccer on time, gotta be the best kiss ass at work, every group that you interact with, you have got to put in a good effort so that you can have the 'minimum' esteem for survival. This esteem provides reassurance that you belong, if you don't belong, then why be here at all? (and there's the depression talking)
And lastly, Self-Actualization. Very few people actually reach true 'self-actualization'. First of all, it's always changing and second, it's about becoming all that you're capable of. For some people, this means inventing a product that helps people get clean water all around the world, or maybe its smaller, like being an awesome father. Maybe it's becoming a CEO of a Fortune 500 company. It's achieving a said goal, and exceeding expectations. I don't have huge aspirations in the workplace, I want to do a good job, but climbing up the ladder is not very important to me. What is important is traveling and learning about people. Sure, I want to help them too, but I'm still in the process of making myself stronger. Gotta be strong so I can help others.
What are your goals and aspirations? Have you overcome any obstacles worth sharing? if so, SHARE!!! and please, someone help me get rid of these cats! (Tiny George is not much of a watchdog)
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